
I currently offer custom family trees in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20, and 22x28. Price depends upon the size of tree you would like made.

8x10 Family Trees: $15.00
 Includes: A Basic Family Tree Design in PDF format

11x14 Family Trees: $20.00
 Includes: A Basic Family Tree Design in PDF format

16x20 Family Trees: $25.00
 Includes: A Basic Family Tree Design in PDF format

22x28 Family Trees: $35.00 
 Includes: A Basic Family Tree Design in PDF format

For Custom Sizes: Please Contact Me

The Basic Family Tree Design includes: one solid font color, one family quote, one establishment date, and one solid background color. Click here to learn more  about the ordering, and designing process.

 ** Full payment is required before I can begin your tree. I only accept payments through Paypal.**
  Do you have questions?
May I further customize my tree?
You may, but each additional alteration will cost more.
Each alteration will be added as an extra charge to your Basic Family Tree Design cost
 For example:

Roots are additional $5.00 per tree design
Multi-colored lettering is additional $5.00 per tree design
Gradient backgrounds are an additional $2.50 per tree design.
Polka-dot backgrounds are an additional $5.00 per tree design.
Stripe backgrounds are an additional $5.00 per tree design.
Chevron backgrounds are an additional $7.00 per tree design.
Leaves are an additional $5.00 per tree design.
Birth-dates are an additional $5.00 per design

What happens if I further customize my tree(s), during a sale?
The sale price(s) would remain the same. However; if extra customizations are requested, I will need to charge these same exact fees, on top of the sale price of your tree, for each customization.

Can I have my tree updated later?
I save trees for up to one year, and if I have not heard from my customers by then, I remove them.
If you need a name added or removed from a tree design, I charge $2.50 per name to do it.

If you have any questions regarding the cost of further customization, please contact me by clicking here!

I am interested in getting a refund, can I get one?
Unfortunately, I cannot offer a refund after an approval of a family tree has been made. If a refund is requested by a customer (before an approval has been made), I will be keeping 25% of the total tree design price.

I have found some changes that need to be fixed on my PDF file. Can I get them fixed? 
If there are changes that need to be made after the PDF file(s) have been sent to you, I apologize but I will need to charge extra for the necessary work needed to be done.This price varies depending upon what needs fixing. We will negotiate pricing, at that particular time.

Thank you!

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