Saturday, August 24, 2013

New Customizations!

     I am very excited to introduce to you, my new custom family tree background designs. I have three of them: stripes, polka-dots and chevron. I think these backgrounds add so much fun to my trees, and make them look even more unique than before.
     If you like what you see, and would like to have your family tree designed in one of these custom backgrounds, please understand that I will have to charge extra to do so. These custom backgrounds take me extra time to make, and design especially for you. The additional cost to design these are listed below:

Polka-dots: $5.00
Stripes: $5.00
Chevron: $10.00

As a reminder, I am still having my sale. It ends on the 30th, so if you are wanting a tree made please let me know. Thanks!
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