Thursday, July 2, 2015

Just a Dream

     This last month has been really hectic for my family. We were busy moving, and looking for a new place to live. We have relocated to Salt Lake County, and are starting to settle into our new place... The reason that I am posting is not to talk about my move, but rather a dream that I had just after moving...
     The very first night that my family slept in our new place, I had a dream that I was standing in front of a huge group of people, sharing my testimony of Ancestral Work. Many people seemed to be humbled by what I was sharing, while others were not. Many of those people mocked me. My dream didn't last very long. In fact, it was really short. I woke up, and my first thought was that I was doing the right thing for my family.
     I can't count the number of times people have asked me, "Why does this matter to you? Those people are no longer alive." They matter because I still consider my ancestors very much apart of my family. They are the reason that my living family are here. How many of us can say that after we die, we want to be forgotten? I don't think any of us do! We all want to be remembered... This is exactly why I have the passion that I have to continue to seek out my dead.
    If there was one thing that I could do to make this world a better place, it would be to encourage everyone to start researching their family history. I would encourage you to seek out stories of your ancestors, and read them over and over again. I know that it will help you understand the struggles that your family members were faced with during their time on this earth. Sometimes, as you read their stories, they help guide you during your own trials. These stories will help you learn to better appreciate your living and dead family members for everything that they have done for you. When that happens, you will have a wonderful feeling come over you. The words that I like to use to describe that feeling is, "peace and love".
    The more you research your family lines, the more you will have a yearning to learn more. You will learn things that you nor any of your living family knew... some pretty cool stuff! I have said it time and time again, "Hasn't it [your family history] been put off long enough? I think so!" Now is the time to start looking and learning about your family.

   I would like to invite everyone to take a look at this video below, and be reminded of the importance of Family History Research in our homes. Thank you!

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